What qualities do good teachers, students and classes embody? What expectations do you have of yourself, of Smith, and of this class? Make sure to proofread your response, as well as comment and connect to one another's.
A good quality in teachers is supportiveness. Teachers should encourage students to come up with their own ideas and opinions and start to question the world around them. Good students in general try. Whether it's turning their homework in on time, participating in discussions, or annotating the reading, they try to succeed in the class. I think a class should invoke new ideas or ways of thinking. I expect myself to pay attention to what others have to say in order to learn from their ideas not just the literature we read in class. I hope that Mrs. Smith is understanding and open to whatever happens in class and that class is more fun than a chore.
I agree with you, Kristen, that teachers should be supportive and encouraging. It makes for a better learning environment. Teachers should be open-minded as well as students to others ideas and ways of thinking. I also hope this class will be enjoyable.
Good teachers and students have the ability to emotionally and intellectually connect with each other and what they are learning. Good teachers are able to show their students that they have something to gain by learning what is being taught. Good students must be open-minded and willing to see and understand the significance of what they are learning. Great classes are made up of students and a teacher who work hard to bring these qualities to their work everyday. My expectation for myself is that I will put in a very high level of thought and effort to learn as much as I can. I expect that Ms. Smith will create an environment that will allow everyone in the class to learn as much as they can from this class. I think this is possible if all students the student buy in to the class and seek help from Ms. Smith when needed.
I believe that a good student, a good teacher, and a positive classroom experience all come from a positive, and cooperative learning environment. A teacher should provide learning opportunities for the student, and the student should take them. A student should be respectful of the teacher, and the teacher should provide the same for the student. Patience, kindness and cooperation are traits necessary for a successful relationship between a student and teacher. Kristen stated that supportiveness is an important quality in teachers and I agree, a student cannot learn and grow if those intended to lead them does not support them. I am expecting to hold myself responsible as far as taking advantage of the opportunities provided. To do everything in my power to not only achieves the grade I want, but to also grow as a writer, and use those skills when applying to colleges. I expect Smith to provide an environment that makes students feel comfortable to come in and ask for help, and provide help when needed.
The qualities that students, teachers, and classes should embody is relationships. Its easier and more enjoyable to learn in an environment that has good relationships in it. This also sparks up more opportunities for discussion, giving it a more relaxed feel as well. I agree also with Taylor and Kristen that the classroom should also have a positive attitude, lifting each other up. I expect that Mrs. Smith should give help when a student is struggling with the material or other areas. I also expect the class to embody a friendly and relaxed attitude with one another. I want us to be hard working but also have fun at the same time. I expect to push myself in this class as well. Even though I don't plan on doing anything English related for my career, I will take this opportunity to brush up on writing a great college essay.
I believe a good teacher is one who takes the time to really get to know how each student learns. However that doesn't just depend on the teacher, a good student needs to open oneself up to that teacher as well. It's shouldn't be a one way street where one person does all the work for both of you to succeed. I agree with Kristen S. that teachers should encourage students, because we as students whether we want to admit it or not, need that encouragement sometimes to motivate ourselves to do our best. I expect myself to do well in this class while also improving my writing skills, and I expect Ms. Smith to give constructive criticism when it's necessary.
A good teacher can: 1. Notice when someone in the class is struggling. 2. Is able to create a fun and welcoming learning environment. 3. Gives good and understanding instructions. A good student should: 1. Give the effort to connect, talk, and get to know other students. 2. Share their thoughts and not be afraid to participate. 3. Let the teacher know when they need help.
Yes I think that it is very beneficial for students to work in an environment where questions and errors are not frowned upon. Ideas coming from groups are also a very good way to brainstorm. (Connecting to other's post)
A good teacher is someone who: - Takes the time to understand each students needs on a one on one basis. And does what he/she can to help to there best abilities. The teacher should be supportive of the class! - Is passionate and enthusiastic about what they're teaching so that the students feel the same way about what they're learning. - Knows when it's time to have fun and when it's time not to. The teacher should know what pace to do activities to so they get done in class and don't become homework
A good students is someone who: - Always puts their best effort forward no matter what they are doing. Weather it's a homework assignment or a project the student should try their best to do a good job to benefit both themselves and the class. - Is able to take criticism and learn from the teacher. They need to know that the teacher is just trying to help them out and try to learn from what the teacher has to say. - Is respectful to the teacher and their classmates. They shouldn't interrupt someone else especially the teacher and be supportive of their classmates.
A good class: - Has a connection and support towards one another that they feel like family creating a good learning environment. - Helps one another out when help is needed. - Gives feedback to one another so the same mistakes aren't made the next time. - Has a positive vibe!
A good teacher is able to connect with the class and keep the class engaged. In my experience, the classes in which I have learned the most, the teacher has been funny and entertaining when teaching. This helps me because I engage more and remember what I have learned. I feel a teacher could be extremely intelligent and have a lot of good information to teach, but if they teach it in a boring way only half of the information sticks in the students brain. A good class is shown through effort just like Kristen S. said. The class should be engaged, wanting to learn and try new things. This semester I expect myself to get a B or higher because I believe that is the best was to show I have tried. I also expect Ms. Smith to engage with the students and the class to engage in discussions. I also believe it would benefit me and the rest of the class to have Ms. Smith help with college essays, and give constructive criticism when reading them.
I think that good students and teachers embody the traits of good workmanship, persistence, and attentiveness. I have the expectation that everyone will respect each other, and provide a good learning environment. I would also expect to be able to work on my college essay, as that is an important part of my future.
I agree with you on the importance of respect. A class without respect for each other would not create a very positive learning environment and that is important so the class can achieve success as a whole. Also persistence is important because a teacher or student lacking that will create a lot inconsistency in the classroom.
A good class is made up of a variety of different pieces. I think that a good class is made up of a tight knit group of people that can stimulate each other socially and intellectually while remaining objective. I think the teacher is also very crucial to the wellness of a class. A good teacher cares about their students, shows compassion and realizes that there is a life outside of their specific class. I expect that my English Lit class will fall into the category of a 'good class' and I expect only great things out of this year.
reply to TyleR2015 I agree with you that a class is goo way to learn form each other considering we all have such different opinions. I also think we benefit from different types of learners communicating to each other so we can understand how someone else might think.
For a classroom to function well both the teacher and the students must be able to communicate with one another frequently and efficiently. I expect that this class will be fun and engaging with the material and will be more "hands on" not just reading and typical book work.
Communication is essential. I think when communication is present between a teacher and a student everything's easier and more achievable. I expect the class to be interesting and engaging, not just reading a typical high school English book. I want to develop my writing skills through out this class, so I hope you can help me develop that and be a better writer.
Ibrahim I agree with you that communication is very important because without it it is easy for a class to get of task and lost. I also agree it is good for a class to take a different path it allows more learning.
Ibs you couldn't have said it better: Communication is key to a successful and productive working/schooling environment. There must be amazing communication between the teacher and students. I also want to develop my writing skills like you and become a better writer. I also hate the English books so I too hope we don't read out of them.
a good teacher - loves what they do - like to have fun with their subject - presents them self as an authority figure and a friend - teaches for knowledge sake and not just test scores - wants to help the student become a better person - balances fun and work
A good class - does not pass judgment - helps in and out of class - is a family environment -likes to have fun but is respectful - always engaged in class activities
I agree with Spencer a little ways up. I think that a good teacher needs to be persistant with their students and make sure that they are doing everything they can to make sure the students they have are successful. My expectations are that everyone is nice to eachother and treats others with respect, its not to big to ask for. Its quite simple, really.
A good teacher is one that takes the time to get to know the students as well as be helpful when it is needed. It is important that they can adjust their teaching style in order to fit the needs of the students. Like what Kristen said, a good student is one that puts in effort and contributes to the class in any way that they can. Also to maintain a good class people need to be respectful and learn to work together as a team. My expectation for myself is that I am always paying attention and staying on top of all of my work. My class expectation is that everyone is nice to each other and listen to what everyone has to say. And along with what Taylor said I would like for Ms Smith to make it a comfortable environment that everyone can feel comfortable with.
A good teacher is one that students respect but also can talk to. I believe students should respect the teacher but also give them their full effort to the classroom. My expectations of my self is to learn and compare my understanding to others and see how we came to our conclusions, I would expect polite behavior and a good effort all the time. I expect Smith to be a fair teacher that has rules but also will help anyone learn if their willing to try.
The aspects of a progressive, actively learning classroom all depend on two things, the teacher and the students. A good teacher is someone who is passionate and encouraging to each and every students learning. They also acknowledge effort and focus on the important things, like life skills and not making a test with a bunch of questions about a book we're reading. A good student will take advantage of their learning to become better and they will take something from the class. The most important thing for students is effort, if the effort is put in they will never fall short. The qualities of the teacher and the qualities of the students are what set the standard for a good class and a good learning environment. With these qualities class would be comfortable, encouraging, progressive, and engaging.
Qualities that good, successful classes emboy include respect, a good level of interaction, and appreciation for each other’s work, ideas, and opinions. My expectations of this class include these qualities. From myself I expect a high level of effort and participation that I will try to carry on throughout the year. I also expect that I will come forward with questions in order to completely understand what is being asked of me. The expectations I have of Smith, would be that she is reasonable, helpful, and understandable. Reasonable in the way that, what she expects of us as students is equal to what she expects from us as people. Helpful and understandable in the way she explains and grades our work, as well as how she controls the class. From the class in general, my expectations would be that everyone interacts with each other’s ideas and opinions in a respectful and thoughtful manner.
A good teacher can effectively teach their subject and is flexible to his or her classes' needs. I agree with Courtney in saying that a good teacher will keep the class engaged. A good student will try his or her best to complete work. I expect this class to open my mind a little more. I also expect to get a fairly high grade in it.
I believe that the best quality a teacher needs is patience. Every student is different and learns at different speeds. Teachers should also be willing to give their time if they notice a particular student is struggling. I agree with Angelo when he says the teacher should create a fun and welcoming learning environment. It is a lot easier to share ideas when you've had fun with a class. As a student, you should always be respectful of the teacher and feel free to contribute. Students must want to learn. Students should also try to keep a positive attitude in every day class. From the class as a whole, I would like to have respect for everyone's ideas and treat everyone equally while laughing from time to time. I hope to leave the class furthering my writing skills and finding out how to be interested and engaged with what I am reading.
To me the best quality a teacher can have in a classroom is an open-mind. Ever teacher I have enjoyed having in the past have had an open-mind to learning and the aspects used by the students in the classroom. I like a teacher who can read a paper and not judge on the content but the idea behind the writing. I think a good student on the other hand needs to be open to learning; and needs to pull themselves out of the “Schools sucks” slump. A good classroom helps each other learn and is supportive in any idea spoken out during discussion. The semester I have the expectation of myself to get mostly all the homework done and do a better job giving feedback in class discussions. As for Ms. Smith I would like to have a well put together, supportive classroom. I hope this year we can work together to make our reading and writing stronger for the future to come.
The best qualities a teacher can have are making students be excited to come to class each time, be able to teach a lesson to students while keeping them engaged in the topic and making sure that all their students understand what is happening and what they need to do. I think if a teacher sticks to those qualities the entire class will be involved each day and makes it a better learning environment. This leads me to what qualities are need for a student.
A student must portray the qualities that they are ready to learn each day, be able to listen to their classmates and what they are saying and share their ideas during discussions. If a student comes to class prepared to learn then they will get the most out of each class. A students needs to be able to listen to what their class mates opinions are and be able to discuss about it. Lastly, a student needs to be able to share their ideas during class to spark new conversations during group discussions.
If a teacher is able to make the most out of each class and every student comes prepared each day then that class will be able to have a great year and create new bonds with new people and become closer with the entire class.
I believe that the best qualities a teacher could have are supportiveness, patience, and passion. I also think that the teacher should have respect for all of their students as well as the student having respect for their teacher and their classmates. Students need to encourage one another to share their ideas and participate in class. Also the whole class needs to pay attention for the class to work. I expect myself to do the best I can and participate so I can make myself proud. I expect Mrs Smith to provide a comfortable environment so everyone feels like they can open up and talk in class without feeling judged.
Some good qualities of a teacher include the ability and willingness to help each and every student in or outside of class as well as a dedication and love of what they do. Students also need to meet in the middle and have the willingness to ask for help and have the drive and determination in their work. This also goes for a class, they need to create a bond of positive attitudes and comradery as well as the eagerness to work together. I expect this class to be a great one, I’ve already had Smith as a teacher and I know that this will be an amazing class.
A good teacher does not teach straight from the book. They do not do the exact same thing day after day after day. I good teacher will show that they care about what they are doing and are willing to help out students. A good student is one that shows up to class wanting to learn. They do not just go through the motion day after day. They are willing to go above and beyond and not just slide by. A good class is one in which people are willing to participate and engage in conversation. Also, the class respects each others thoughts and ideas. I expect Smith to try and make people interested in the material we are learning.
Good qualities of teachers include making the class fun and engaging for the students, create a productive learning environment, have things to do everyday so that we don't just sit there and do nothing, and create relationships with the students so they don't feel alienated from the class/teacher. Good students get their homework done, do what is asked of by the teacher, try to learn, and enjoy what they do in that class. Good classes embody respectfulness of their peers and have fun in class. Some expectations of myself is get and A in English because I never have before, not get distracted by peers, and have fun. Of Smith: Make the class fun, stay engaged, not ask anything of us that she wouldn't ask of herself, and have a purpose as to why we are learning this. Of the class: No judging of someone, respect, and have fun.
I agree with Toca, keeping the class engaged and on top of things would be very productive. Another good suggestion is to bring fun into an English class. Reading 24/7 can get really boring, and I find it difficult to stay on topic when reading for too long.
In an English Lit. Class I feel as though the students make the class for what it really is. When a class is more comfortable with one another they are also more willing to participate. Something Mrs. Smith should consider are board game Fridays(Monopoly), or even Sudoku Mondays, to allow the students to open up to one another. Personally I don't really have too many expectations for the class, I just hope to make the best of how it turns out. Movie Wednesdays would be above all other suggestions of course.
I couldn't agree more with Sergei. When a class can be completely comfortable with its surrounding students then we won't be afraid of being involved in activities. Plus all activities we should do together to mingle along our classmates such as Monopoly Fridays or Sudoku Mondays would be a great experience and perfect for opening up to others and making new friends.
A good teacher possesses the ability to recognize individuality and encourage students' different lives, languages, and experiences to create a respectful and encouraging environment. Like Kendra said, a little encouragement goes a long way. If a teaches invests effort and continues to have the internal desire to motivate, then students feel that it is due, out of respect, appreciation, and admiration of said teacher, to uphold ourselves to a higher standard than usual. Good students should respect each other just as much as their teacher. They should utilize each class period and recognize the effort put forth in every topic discussed to stay attentive and not be intimidated by the opinions' of others to properly contribute. Above all, a good teacher and student show immense passion to learn. All individuals should be open mined and consistently challenge and engage in one another to solidify new knowledge.
As high school seniors, most of us have had the opportunity to interact with teachers that impact us for the rest of our lives. Unfortunately, we all have encountered the teachers that we dread even seeing in the hallways. The key to surviving the ups and downs of learning from these dedicated teachers? Balance, It is imperative that educators find the balance between a class run by the likes of Ms. Trunchbull and one comparative to a zoo. This is made possible by collaboration. I hope to find this collaboration between Ms. Smith and our class. As students we must be able to differentiate between silly discussions and important lectures, along with the respect we must approach these situations with. In addition, students must be walking into class with optimistic ideas and attitudes for the class ahead. This can be accomplished with the aid of Mrs. Smith. I expect her to guarantee a learning environment that doesn't seclude students to silently sitting in desks day in and day out. That is all I ask, a chance to have a somewhat laid back class to ensure success for each student.
The best quality that a good teacher can offer is connecting with the students. If the teacher doesn't connect with any of the student then honestly none of the students would be willing to give that teacher the time of day. Students that have good qualities all have one in common. They all are teachable. If the student is teachable then there will be no problems with the communications and responsibilities between the student and the teacher. Classes should embody teamwork and respect for others. If the entire class has great respect for one another and we all work greatly together then we will all be able to enjoy new learning experiences. The expectations I expect myself to strive for greatness and learn all that I can. I expect that Mrs. Smith will be patient and understanding. The class expectations I have is that we should work collectively and patiently with one another and help classmates out when they truly need it.
I believe that in order to have a successful class, the teacher must be willing to bend the curriculum to give the students projects that are more interesting to complete, but at the same time, students cant be putting in half of their effort just to get a grade. I expect a lot out of this class and hope we dive deep into literature and getting a better understanding of its topics. Here's to a good year.
I agree with Christian when he says that a good teacher makes an effort to connect with his/her students. When there is a mutual respect between students and their mentor, it creates a better learning environment for everyone involved. Having said that, it's also ideal for all students to have respect for each other as well. Especially as seniors, I feel that the best policy is to be mature and respectful of other people and have a sense of integrity for your teacher and your peers.
I believe that a good trait for a good teacher to have is to stay creative in the ways he/she teaches. With that it gives me as well as other students the incentive to do all the other harder work given to us in class, knowing that after the hard work we can get rewarded with fun activities and other less difficult and more hands on things. Traits I look for that are good in the classroom include being respectful to each other, and listening to eachother when brought into a conversation. Also I don't really like homework that much.. And I think my classmates would agree.
As a student and a teacher I think an important quality to possess is responsibility. I expect to be responsible with school work and I expect a teacher to be responsible as well. I think that having a responsible class will better the learning environment. I have no expectations for myself. I have no expectations for Mrs. Smith. I don't have any expectations for the class. I believe all expectations can be exceeded.
A good quality in teachers is supportiveness. Teachers should encourage students to come up with their own ideas and opinions and start to question the world around them. Good students in general try. Whether it's turning their homework in on time, participating in discussions, or annotating the reading, they try to succeed in the class. I think a class should invoke new ideas or ways of thinking. I expect myself to pay attention to what others have to say in order to learn from their ideas not just the literature we read in class. I hope that Mrs. Smith is understanding and open to whatever happens in class and that class is more fun than a chore.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, Kristen, that teachers should be supportive and encouraging. It makes for a better learning environment. Teachers should be open-minded as well as students to others ideas and ways of thinking. I also hope this class will be enjoyable.
DeleteGood teachers and students have the ability to emotionally and intellectually connect with each other and what they are learning. Good teachers are able to show their students that they have something to gain by learning what is being taught. Good students must be open-minded and willing to see and understand the significance of what they are learning. Great classes are made up of students and a teacher who work hard to bring these qualities to their work everyday. My expectation for myself is that I will put in a very high level of thought and effort to learn as much as I can. I expect that Ms. Smith will create an environment that will allow everyone in the class to learn as much as they can from this class. I think this is possible if all students the student buy in to the class and seek help from Ms. Smith when needed.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTaylor Brotherton
ReplyDeleteI believe that a good student, a good teacher, and a positive classroom experience all come from a positive, and cooperative learning environment. A teacher should provide learning opportunities for the student, and the student should take them. A student should be respectful of the teacher, and the teacher should provide the same for the student. Patience, kindness and cooperation are traits necessary for a successful relationship between a student and teacher. Kristen stated that supportiveness is an important quality in teachers and I agree, a student cannot learn and grow if those intended to lead them does not support them. I am expecting to hold myself responsible as far as taking advantage of the opportunities provided. To do everything in my power to not only achieves the grade I want, but to also grow as a writer, and use those skills when applying to colleges. I expect Smith to provide an environment that makes students feel comfortable to come in and ask for help, and provide help when needed.
The qualities that students, teachers, and classes should embody is relationships. Its easier and more enjoyable to learn in an environment that has good relationships in it. This also sparks up more opportunities for discussion, giving it a more relaxed feel as well. I agree also with Taylor and Kristen that the classroom should also have a positive attitude, lifting each other up. I expect that Mrs. Smith should give help when a student is struggling with the material or other areas. I also expect the class to embody a friendly and relaxed attitude with one another. I want us to be hard working but also have fun at the same time. I expect to push myself in this class as well. Even though I don't plan on doing anything English related for my career, I will take this opportunity to brush up on writing a great college essay.
ReplyDeleteI believe a good teacher is one who takes the time to really get to know how each student learns. However that doesn't just depend on the teacher, a good student needs to open oneself up to that teacher as well. It's shouldn't be a one way street where one person does all the work for both of you to succeed. I agree with Kristen S. that teachers should encourage students, because we as students whether we want to admit it or not, need that encouragement sometimes to motivate ourselves to do our best. I expect myself to do well in this class while also improving my writing skills, and I expect Ms. Smith to give constructive criticism when it's necessary.
ReplyDeleteA good teacher can:
ReplyDelete1. Notice when someone in the class is struggling.
2. Is able to create a fun and welcoming learning environment.
3. Gives good and understanding instructions.
A good student should:
1. Give the effort to connect, talk, and get to know other students.
2. Share their thoughts and not be afraid to participate.
3. Let the teacher know when they need help.
Yes I think that it is very beneficial for students to work in an environment where questions and errors are not frowned upon. Ideas coming from groups are also a very good way to brainstorm.
Delete(Connecting to other's post)
A good teacher is someone who:
ReplyDelete- Takes the time to understand each students needs on a one on one basis. And does what he/she can to help to there best abilities. The teacher should be supportive of the class!
- Is passionate and enthusiastic about what they're teaching so that the students feel the same way about what they're learning.
- Knows when it's time to have fun and when it's time not to. The teacher should know what pace to do activities to so they get done in class and don't become homework
A good students is someone who:
- Always puts their best effort forward no matter what they are doing. Weather it's a homework assignment or a project the student should try their best to do a good job to benefit both themselves and the class.
- Is able to take criticism and learn from the teacher. They need to know that the teacher is just trying to help them out and try to learn from what the teacher has to say.
- Is respectful to the teacher and their classmates. They shouldn't interrupt someone else especially the teacher and be supportive of their classmates.
A good class:
- Has a connection and support towards one another that they feel like family creating a good learning environment.
- Helps one another out when help is needed.
- Gives feedback to one another so the same mistakes aren't made the next time.
- Has a positive vibe!
A good teacher is able to connect with the class and keep the class engaged. In my experience, the classes in which I have learned the most, the teacher has been funny and entertaining when teaching. This helps me because I engage more and remember what I have learned. I feel a teacher could be extremely intelligent and have a lot of good information to teach, but if they teach it in a boring way only half of the information sticks in the students brain. A good class is shown through effort just like Kristen S. said. The class should be engaged, wanting to learn and try new things. This semester I expect myself to get a B or higher because I believe that is the best was to show I have tried. I also expect Ms. Smith to engage with the students and the class to engage in discussions. I also believe it would benefit me and the rest of the class to have Ms. Smith help with college essays, and give constructive criticism when reading them.
ReplyDeleteI think that good students and teachers embody the traits of good workmanship, persistence, and attentiveness. I have the expectation that everyone will respect each other, and provide a good learning environment. I would also expect to be able to work on my college essay, as that is an important part of my future.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on the importance of respect. A class without respect for each other would not create a very positive learning environment and that is important so the class can achieve success as a whole. Also persistence is important because a teacher or student lacking that will create a lot inconsistency in the classroom.
DeleteA good class is made up of a variety of different pieces. I think that a good class is made up of a tight knit group of people that can stimulate each other socially and intellectually while remaining objective. I think the teacher is also very crucial to the wellness of a class. A good teacher cares about their students, shows compassion and realizes that there is a life outside of their specific class. I expect that my English Lit class will fall into the category of a 'good class' and I expect only great things out of this year.
ReplyDeletereply to TyleR2015
DeleteI agree with you that a class is goo way to learn form each other considering we all have such different opinions. I also think we benefit from different types of learners communicating to each other so we can understand how someone else might think.
For a classroom to function well both the teacher and the students must be able to communicate with one another frequently and efficiently.
ReplyDeleteI expect that this class will be fun and engaging with the material and will be more "hands on" not just reading and typical book work.
Communication is essential. I think when communication is present between a teacher and a student everything's easier and more achievable. I expect the class to be interesting and engaging, not just reading a typical high school English book. I want to develop my writing skills through out this class, so I hope you can help me develop that and be a better writer.
ReplyDeleteIbrahim I agree with you that communication is very important because without it it is easy for a class to get of task and lost. I also agree it is good for a class to take a different path it allows more learning.
DeleteIbs you couldn't have said it better: Communication is key to a successful and productive working/schooling environment. There must be amazing communication between the teacher and students. I also want to develop my writing skills like you and become a better writer. I also hate the English books so I too hope we don't read out of them.
Deletea good teacher
ReplyDelete- loves what they do
- like to have fun with their subject
- presents them self as an authority figure and a friend
- teaches for knowledge sake and not just test scores
- wants to help the student become a better person
- balances fun and work
A good class
- does not pass judgment
- helps in and out of class
- is a family environment
-likes to have fun but is respectful
- always engaged in class activities
I agree with Spencer a little ways up. I think that a good teacher needs to be persistant with their students and make sure that they are doing everything they can to make sure the students they have are successful. My expectations are that everyone is nice to eachother and treats others with respect, its not to big to ask for. Its quite simple, really.
ReplyDeleteA good teacher is one that takes the time to get to know the students as well as be helpful when it is needed. It is important that they can adjust their teaching style in order to fit the needs of the students. Like what Kristen said, a good student is one that puts in effort and contributes to the class in any way that they can. Also to maintain a good class people need to be respectful and learn to work together as a team. My expectation for myself is that I am always paying attention and staying on top of all of my work. My class expectation is that everyone is nice to each other and listen to what everyone has to say. And along with what Taylor said I would like for Ms Smith to make it a comfortable environment that everyone can feel comfortable with.
ReplyDeleteA good teacher:
ReplyDelete- Understandable
-Builds Relationships
- Enjoys what they do
- Get the students excited about his/her class
Good Class:
- Relationships
- Participates
- Does not judge
- Helps eachother
I would like Mrs. Smith to make her class feel comfortable and enjoyable.
A good teacher is one that students respect but also can talk to. I believe students should respect the teacher but also give them their full effort to the classroom. My expectations of my self is to learn and compare my understanding to others and see how we came to our conclusions, I would expect polite behavior and a good effort all the time. I expect Smith to be a fair teacher that has rules but also will help anyone learn if their willing to try.
ReplyDeleteThe aspects of a progressive, actively learning classroom all depend on two things, the teacher and the students. A good teacher is someone who is passionate and encouraging to each and every students learning. They also acknowledge effort and focus on the important things, like life skills and not making a test with a bunch of questions about a book we're reading. A good student will take advantage of their learning to become better and they will take something from the class. The most important thing for students is effort, if the effort is put in they will never fall short. The qualities of the teacher and the qualities of the students are what set the standard for a good class and a good learning environment. With these qualities class would be comfortable, encouraging, progressive, and engaging.
ReplyDeleteQualities that good, successful classes emboy include respect, a good level of interaction, and appreciation for each other’s work, ideas, and opinions. My expectations of this class include these qualities. From myself I expect a high level of effort and participation that I will try to carry on throughout the year. I also expect that I will come forward with questions in order to completely understand what is being asked of me. The expectations I have of Smith, would be that she is reasonable, helpful, and understandable. Reasonable in the way that, what she expects of us as students is equal to what she expects from us as people. Helpful and understandable in the way she explains and grades our work, as well as how she controls the class. From the class in general, my expectations would be that everyone interacts with each other’s ideas and opinions in a respectful and thoughtful manner.
ReplyDeleteA good teacher can effectively teach their subject and is flexible to his or her classes' needs. I agree with Courtney in saying that a good teacher will keep the class engaged. A good student will try his or her best to complete work.
ReplyDeleteI expect this class to open my mind a little more. I also expect to get a fairly high grade in it.
I believe that the best quality a teacher needs is patience. Every student is different and learns at different speeds. Teachers should also be willing to give their time if they notice a particular student is struggling. I agree with Angelo when he says the teacher should create a fun and welcoming learning environment. It is a lot easier to share ideas when you've had fun with a class. As a student, you should always be respectful of the teacher and feel free to contribute. Students must want to learn. Students should also try to keep a positive attitude in every day class. From the class as a whole, I would like to have respect for everyone's ideas and treat everyone equally while laughing from time to time. I hope to leave the class furthering my writing skills and finding out how to be interested and engaged with what I am reading.
ReplyDeleteTo me the best quality a teacher can have in a classroom is an open-mind. Ever teacher I have enjoyed having in the past have had an open-mind to learning and the aspects used by the students in the classroom. I like a teacher who can read a paper and not judge on the content but the idea behind the writing. I think a good student on the other hand needs to be open to learning; and needs to pull themselves out of the “Schools sucks” slump. A good classroom helps each other learn and is supportive in any idea spoken out during discussion. The semester I have the expectation of myself to get mostly all the homework done and do a better job giving feedback in class discussions. As for Ms. Smith I would like to have a well put together, supportive classroom. I hope this year we can work together to make our reading and writing stronger for the future to come.
ReplyDeleteThe best qualities a teacher can have are making students be excited to come to class each time, be able to teach a lesson to students while keeping them engaged in the topic and making sure that all their students understand what is happening and what they need to do. I think if a teacher sticks to those qualities the entire class will be involved each day and makes it a better learning environment. This leads me to what qualities are need for a student.
ReplyDeleteA student must portray the qualities that they are ready to learn each day, be able to listen to their classmates and what they are saying and share their ideas during discussions. If a student comes to class prepared to learn then they will get the most out of each class. A students needs to be able to listen to what their class mates opinions are and be able to discuss about it. Lastly, a student needs to be able to share their ideas during class to spark new conversations during group discussions.
If a teacher is able to make the most out of each class and every student comes prepared each day then that class will be able to have a great year and create new bonds with new people and become closer with the entire class.
I believe that the best qualities a teacher could have are supportiveness, patience, and passion. I also think that the teacher should have respect for all of their students as well as the student having respect for their teacher and their classmates. Students need to encourage one another to share their ideas and participate in class. Also the whole class needs to pay attention for the class to work. I expect myself to do the best I can and participate so I can make myself proud. I expect Mrs Smith to provide a comfortable environment so everyone feels like they can open up and talk in class without feeling judged.
ReplyDeleteSome good qualities of a teacher include the ability and willingness to help each and every student in or outside of class as well as a dedication and love of what they do. Students also need to meet in the middle and have the willingness to ask for help and have the drive and determination in their work. This also goes for a class, they need to create a bond of positive attitudes and comradery as well as the eagerness to work together. I expect this class to be a great one, I’ve already had Smith as a teacher and I know that this will be an amazing class.
ReplyDeleteA good teacher does not teach straight from the book. They do not do the exact same thing day after day after day. I good teacher will show that they care about what they are doing and are willing to help out students. A good student is one that shows up to class wanting to learn. They do not just go through the motion day after day. They are willing to go above and beyond and not just slide by. A good class is one in which people are willing to participate and engage in conversation. Also, the class respects each others thoughts and ideas. I expect Smith to try and make people interested in the material we are learning.
ReplyDeleteGood qualities of teachers include making the class fun and engaging for the students, create a productive learning environment, have things to do everyday so that we don't just sit there and do nothing, and create relationships with the students so they don't feel alienated from the class/teacher. Good students get their homework done, do what is asked of by the teacher, try to learn, and enjoy what they do in that class. Good classes embody respectfulness of their peers and have fun in class. Some expectations of myself is get and A in English because I never have before, not get distracted by peers, and have fun. Of Smith: Make the class fun, stay engaged, not ask anything of us that she wouldn't ask of herself, and have a purpose as to why we are learning this. Of the class: No judging of someone, respect, and have fun.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Toca, keeping the class engaged and on top of things would be very productive. Another good suggestion is to bring fun into an English class. Reading 24/7 can get really boring, and I find it difficult to stay on topic when reading for too long.
DeleteIn an English Lit. Class I feel as though the students make the class for what it really is. When a class is more comfortable with one another they are also more willing to participate. Something Mrs. Smith should consider are board game Fridays(Monopoly), or even Sudoku Mondays, to allow the students to open up to one another. Personally I don't really have too many expectations for the class, I just hope to make the best of how it turns out. Movie Wednesdays would be above all other suggestions of course.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more with Sergei. When a class can be completely comfortable with its surrounding students then we won't be afraid of being involved in activities. Plus all activities we should do together to mingle along our classmates such as Monopoly Fridays or Sudoku Mondays would be a great experience and perfect for opening up to others and making new friends.
DeleteA good teacher possesses the ability to recognize individuality and encourage students' different lives, languages, and experiences to create a respectful and encouraging environment. Like Kendra said, a little encouragement goes a long way. If a teaches invests effort and continues to have the internal desire to motivate, then students feel that it is due, out of respect, appreciation, and admiration of said teacher, to uphold ourselves to a higher standard than usual. Good students should respect each other just as much as their teacher. They should utilize each class period and recognize the effort put forth in every topic discussed to stay attentive and not be intimidated by the opinions' of others to properly contribute. Above all, a good teacher and student show immense passion to learn. All individuals should be open mined and consistently challenge and engage in one another to solidify new knowledge.
ReplyDeleteAs high school seniors, most of us have had the opportunity to interact with teachers that impact us for the rest of our lives. Unfortunately, we all have encountered the teachers that we dread even seeing in the hallways. The key to surviving the ups and downs of learning from these dedicated teachers? Balance, It is imperative that educators find the balance between a class run by the likes of Ms. Trunchbull and one comparative to a zoo. This is made possible by collaboration. I hope to find this collaboration between Ms. Smith and our class. As students we must be able to differentiate between silly discussions and important lectures, along with the respect we must approach these situations with. In addition, students must be walking into class with optimistic ideas and attitudes for the class ahead. This can be accomplished with the aid of Mrs. Smith. I expect her to guarantee a learning environment that doesn't seclude students to silently sitting in desks day in and day out. That is all I ask, a chance to have a somewhat laid back class to ensure success for each student.
ReplyDeleteThe best quality that a good teacher can offer is connecting with the students. If the teacher doesn't connect with any of the student then honestly none of the students would be willing to give that teacher the time of day. Students that have good qualities all have one in common. They all are teachable. If the student is teachable then there will be no problems with the communications and responsibilities between the student and the teacher. Classes should embody teamwork and respect for others. If the entire class has great respect for one another and we all work greatly together then we will all be able to enjoy new learning experiences. The expectations I expect myself to strive for greatness and learn all that I can. I expect that Mrs. Smith will be patient and understanding. The class expectations I have is that we should work collectively and patiently with one another and help classmates out when they truly need it.
ReplyDeleteI believe that in order to have a successful class, the teacher must be willing to bend the curriculum to give the students projects that are more interesting to complete, but at the same time, students cant be putting in half of their effort just to get a grade. I expect a lot out of this class and hope we dive deep into literature and getting a better understanding of its topics. Here's to a good year.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Christian when he says that a good teacher makes an effort to connect with his/her students. When there is a mutual respect between students and their mentor, it creates a better learning environment for everyone involved. Having said that, it's also ideal for all students to have respect for each other as well. Especially as seniors, I feel that the best policy is to be mature and respectful of other people and have a sense of integrity for your teacher and your peers.
ReplyDeleteI believe that a good trait for a good teacher to have is to stay creative in the ways he/she teaches. With that it gives me as well as other students the incentive to do all the other harder work given to us in class, knowing that after the hard work we can get rewarded with fun activities and other less difficult and more hands on things. Traits I look for that are good in the classroom include being respectful to each other, and listening to eachother when brought into a conversation. Also I don't really like homework that much.. And I think my classmates would agree.
ReplyDeleteAs a student and a teacher I think an important quality to possess is responsibility. I expect to be responsible with school work and I expect a teacher to be responsible as well. I think that having a responsible class will better the learning environment. I have no expectations for myself. I have no expectations for Mrs. Smith. I don't have any expectations for the class. I believe all expectations can be exceeded.