May 13,
The day starts off with A last lecture from Paul and the beginning slide already has me dying along with the slides to follow 😭.
His comic side truly is funny and interesting .
Next is my FRIEND IBS :)
Shows us the impact of culture on s young life and explains how truly everything is " maktub"
Brandon shows us how you can overcome being with a divorced family and how important it is to stay positive and funny through it all
ANGELO ( ME ) kills it and I wait as my brother goes next :)
Marco takes me back in time to cherish and love all the time we've spent together.
Brandy shows all of us how you can overcome any obstacle and how important it is to stare your scares in the face and show the you can overcome it.
Being a long friend of mine makes it fun to see her achieve what she wants and turn her life in the direction she wants it to go!
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
May 13th
Today in the last smiths class we watched the second half of presentations. We enjoyed listening to all the speeches. It was very sad to be leaving smiths class after an entire of hard work and lots of smiles. Hope you all have a great summer and enjoy either college or what ever you doing after high school.
Adam Brandse
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
May 11th Scribe
Today we continued our speeches.
We heard from:
If you have not gone be sure to have your speech ready for Wednesday and don't forget to link your presentation!
We heard from:
If you have not gone be sure to have your speech ready for Wednesday and don't forget to link your presentation!
Monday, May 11, 2015
May 10 scribe
May 10th.
Smith starts the class by reminding all of us who is speaking which days for our finals.
Also remember to link you presentation to the link on the web page. Also day of your presentation make sure you have your syllabus.
Justine starts us off with the first last lecture of the day.
Great way to start it off learning about a competitive spirit individual and learning how great sports can impact our life journey
Tyler showed us how important it is to follow what you want in life and set goals that are achievable and attainable/
Adam left a lasting legacy on all of us as “ the guy “ so if you are out there and want others to remember you be the guy and show everyone what it means to be the guy.
Cameron touched us with a memorable lecture that will stay with me and showed the importance of love .
Juliette explains to us how important it is to be creative unique and innovative.
Courtney showed us how important it is to chase dreams and how hard work will always win out.
Shane delivers the best of the day duh lol \
Jake truly shows us a lasting lecture memorable and touching.
The first day of presentations was amazing and glad I was here to feel the impact of my fellow students.
Get ready those who have to present on Wednesday !!! 3 MORE DAYS AHHHHHHH

Sunday, May 10, 2015
May 8th scribe Jessie Sloan
Friday May 8th
Today we began giving our Last Lectures.
Graham, Kristen, Abby, Christine, Jack, Taylor, Spencer and Kevin all gave there speeches.
If you have not gone yet be sure to have your speech finished and ready to go on your day to present!
Today we began giving our Last Lectures.
Graham, Kristen, Abby, Christine, Jack, Taylor, Spencer and Kevin all gave there speeches.
If you have not gone yet be sure to have your speech finished and ready to go on your day to present!
Friday, May 8, 2015
Marco Garcia Scribe 5-08-15
Scribe 5-08-15
Today began like any other day in American Lit. with Mrs. Smith saying “Hello Class” and then we said “Hello Smith!”
Ben is the only person who has to present today and he decided to do it at the end of class so until then we have the rest of the time to work on our own presentations.
Presentation Order:
Brandy Homework:
Dillon Work on your presentations!!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Kaitlyn Miller May 6, 2015
May 6, 2015 Period 1
What we did...
- Discussed the homework
- Turned in Brave New World books
- Work day for LL
- Be ready to present either friday 5/8, monday 5/11, wednesday 5/13
- Double check to make sure that you have linked your presentation on the class calendar
- LL Presentations start on Friday!!!
Ibs Karoussa 05/06/2015 English Literature
- Scribe
- Check in books
- Work on Presentations:
- Sign up for presentation order:
- Link Google Presentation: check permissions
- HW: LL speech: presentation- review rubric; presentation linked by tomorrow- check permissions;
- Link for today's calender:
- We started off class with talking about our last lecture and how we should be prepared to present either Monday or Wednesday Link:
- Ms Smith talked about how to check in BRAVE NEW WORLD book, you find the bar-code that is inside your book and scan it usin the scanner connected to Ms Smith's computer and put the book on the counter
- Ms Smith wants us to check our grades, because everything is now up to date and ready to go.
- Our final (LL) is worth 16% of our final grade
- Make sure when you link your presentation to the document on Today's calender that it can be viewed by anyone Link:
- keep working on Last Lecture
Scribe 5-6-15 (Graham W)
- Scribe
- Check in books
- Work on Presentations:
- Sign up for presentation order:
- Link Google Presentation: check permissions
- HW: LL speech: presentation- review rubric; presentation linked by tomorrow- check permissions;
Presentation Dates: 5/8, 5/11, 5/13, 5/15 (Juniors)
Presentation Google Doc: (where to link your presentation; did you check permissions before you linked?- public/anyoneToday we had a work day for our speeches. Other than that remember to turn in your A Brave New World book. Mrs. Smith stressed the importance of linking our speeches onto the Google doc.
Scribe 5-4-15 (Graham W)
- Scribe
- Check 17-18 annotations
- Quiz 10-18
- partner groups
- HW: LL speech: presentation- review rubric; be ready to create presentation Wednesday begin presentations on Friday, Monday, Wednesday
- Presentation Dates: 5/8, 5/11, 5/13, 5/15 (Juniors)
- Presentation Google Doc: (where to link your presentation; did you check permissions before you linked?- public/anyone
Unfortunately, Mrs. Smith was not here today. We had a quiz on chapters 10-18 and it consisted of many fine details and quotes from this section of the book. Luckily, you get to work in partner groups which really helps! After the quiz, we had some free time to work on our speeches that are due at your individual presentation date.
Monday, May 4, 2015
English Literature 5/4/2015 Ibs Karoussa
Link 5/4/2015:
What We Did:
Be Creative!
What We Did:
- Ms Smith wasn't here, so we had Mr Rosenberg as our sub.
- We Took the Ch10-18 Group Quiz. Question #2 was weird.
- We worked on our Last Lecture for the rest of the period.
- LL speech: presentation- review rubric; be ready to create presentation Wednesday begin presentations on Friday, Monday, Wednesday
Extra Info:
- Presentation Google Doc: (where to link your presentation; did you check permissions before you linked?- public/anyone
Kaitlyn Miller Scribe 5/4/15
MAY 4, 2015
What we did:
- We had a sub (Mr. Rosenburg)
- Took the Ch. 10-18 Quiz (Partners)
- Used the rest of the time to work on LL
- Remember presentations are Friday 5/8, Monday 5/11, and Wednesday 5/13
- Make sure to link your presentation google doc to the link on the calendar! (DOUBLE CHECK the permissions before you link it and make sure its public!!)
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Christine Maybee Second Scribe
Wednesday April 22nd, 2015
First Period
In Class:
- Check 9-10, 11-12 annotations
- Read 13-14
- Socratic Seminar: 9-12; Collect one pagers
look for connections to essential question: to what extent does a creator have responsibility towards its creation; at what point does a creation assume responsibility for itself?; questions, extensions to other pieces, Huxley’s predictions come true, annotations- She will be checking :)
In class we had a socratic seminar while Ms. Smith checked our 9-12 annotations and our Socratic Seminar Entry Ticket
We went around in a conversation discussing the caste sytem and the impact of the savage reservation
We also spoke about the relations between Huxley’s world and our own.
How do you think that the society will change by the end of the book? or will it not change?
LL manifesto: accumulate sayings- Work week: due April 29,
Read 13-14: annotations
Friday, April 17, 2015
Scribe 4/17/2015 Christian D.
- Scribe
- Check 7-8 annotations
- Work on manifesto sayings: at least 20-30 sayings, quotes, ideas or words. Use quotations from texts/ movies from this semester, college essays, life
- Read 9-10 and annotate
- HW: LL manifesto: accumulate sayings 20-30 due printed out on Monday, Read 9-10: annotations, quiz over 1-9 on Monday- no ditching or you can’t make up the quiz :)
- Annotations: annotate: look for connections to essential question: to what extent does a creator have responsibility towards its creation; at what point does a creation assume responsibility for itself?; questions, extensions to other pieces, Huxley’s predictions come true, annotations- I will be checking :),
Smith was not here this Friday. We had a substitute teacher that made up work on out LL manifesto and our reading 9-10. It was a very productive class today and be prepared for a quiz on Monday. You will not be able to make up the test that she has prepared if you are ditching. Make sure your manifesto is printed out and ready to turn in.
April 17, 2015
Smith was not in class today. You should have already had the chapters 7-8 read and annotated for today.
In class we worked on annotations for 9-10 which is due Monday. We also worked on our sayings for our manifesto which is also due on Monday. In addition, there us a quiz over BNW on Monday that is possibly open note. But, no credit will be rewarded to people who ditch class on Monday.
Smith was not in class today. You should have already had the chapters 7-8 read and annotated for today.
In class we worked on annotations for 9-10 which is due Monday. We also worked on our sayings for our manifesto which is also due on Monday. In addition, there us a quiz over BNW on Monday that is possibly open note. But, no credit will be rewarded to people who ditch class on Monday.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Scribe 4/15
Today we just had our discussion over chapters 1-8 on Brave New World. That took up the entire hour but don't forget about the homework!
HW: The last part of our last lecture is due Monday. You need to accumulate 20-30 sayings or other things that encompass your life. There was no more reading assigned so that you can focus on you LL manifesto.
HW: The last part of our last lecture is due Monday. You need to accumulate 20-30 sayings or other things that encompass your life. There was no more reading assigned so that you can focus on you LL manifesto.
Monday, April 13, 2015
Monday, April 13th
Today at the beginning of class we had a few minutes to go over and practice our Montages then each group performed. The remaining of the time we started on our reading homework.
Smith came around and checked annotations for Chapters 5 and 6
Your homework is to work on your Manifesto quotes (25-30) we will be working on them in the journalism room on the 24th and 27th. Read chapters 7 and 8 (annotate) by Wednesday. Try to connect your annotations to our essential question which is:
- To what extent does a creator have responsibility towards its creation?
- When does a creation assume responsibility for itself?
- Ask questions to other pieces we have read this year?
* Smith will be giving a huge point quiz on Monday the 20th so make sure to be here. The quiz will be over chapters 1-9 and may potentially be open book*
Smith came around and checked annotations for Chapters 5 and 6
Your homework is to work on your Manifesto quotes (25-30) we will be working on them in the journalism room on the 24th and 27th. Read chapters 7 and 8 (annotate) by Wednesday. Try to connect your annotations to our essential question which is:
- To what extent does a creator have responsibility towards its creation?
- When does a creation assume responsibility for itself?
- Ask questions to other pieces we have read this year?
* Smith will be giving a huge point quiz on Monday the 20th so make sure to be here. The quiz will be over chapters 1-9 and may potentially be open book*
Friday, April 10, 2015
Friday, May 10 Scribe
Today in class Smith passed back graded papers.
She also checked annotations for chapters 5-6
We had all class period to work on the Montage which is due Monday the 13th. Green sheet instructions online on Smith's website day Wednesday.
No reading this weekend
Montage assignment if not finished in class
Start on your LL part 3 manifesto
She also checked annotations for chapters 5-6
We had all class period to work on the Montage which is due Monday the 13th. Green sheet instructions online on Smith's website day Wednesday.
No reading this weekend
Montage assignment if not finished in class
Start on your LL part 3 manifesto
Doughnuts Day Scribe 4/08/15
Today was just like any other Wednesday and walking through the doors you could see the Krispy Kreme boxes sitting there teasing. We welcomed Mrs. Smith as usual and then we got new seats!! BREAKING NEWS!!: Adam and Shane made up and now sit next to eachother:)
Next we went over homework (posted at the end of page)
We got 15 minutes to finish posters and the green ws we were given on monday while Mrs.Smith checked annotations.
After the 15 minutes were up we presented our projects and taped them in order on the wall to show the entire assembly line like process.
Then we received and went over what the montage project will be. You have to pick an idea and use the montage method and vocal inflections to give off a tone. It has to be 1-2 pages you have to record your montage in a group of 3-4 people.
The last thing we did before class ended was listen to example of teachers giving a montage on a passage from chapter 3 so we could get an idea on what is expected.
Homework: Read and annotate Chapter 5-6 in A Brave New World
LL Manifesto; accumulate sayings
Be ready to work on Montage assignment on Friday!!!
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Scribe 4/8
- We started off class explaining the homework (below).
- After that we finished up and presented the posters we created on Monday regarding the different rooms and processes of the London Hatchery Center while Smith came around and checked our annotations on chapters 3-4.
- For the remainder of class we discussed the events of chapters 3 and 4.
HW: Read chapters 5-6 and don't forget to annotate! Make sure your annotations connect to our essential questions. Also, for our third part of the last lecture, we need to accumulate sayings for our manifesto. We also were assigned a montage assignment that we'll work on in class on Friday and will be due Monday.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Wednesday April 1st, 2015 (Christine)
Wednesday April 1st, 2015
In class:
- Collect S/R: discuss connections to essential question
- Satire: What is it?
- Horatian
- Juvenalian
- Harpers
- Simpsons: watch episode
- Satire work:
- 1. Name type of satire and why? Horatian or Juvenalian
- 2. Methods of satire used: absurdity, exaggeration, understatement, parody, wit or word play, euphemism, irony
- 3. One satirical target (What is the author making fun of?)
4. One necessary change (What does the author want us to change in society—Be specific)
5 What tone does the author use? (Underline verbs that illustrate this tone) - Ms. Smith spoke about working harder to get homework done and annotating perfect annotations
- We got 3 different hand-outs at the beginning of class
- Annotating…..
- What responsibilty does a creator have towards its creation?
- At what point does a creation have to be responsible for its own actions?
- Where are extensions to our other pieces
- connections to the real world
- After we spoke about “Stranger Than Fictions” and how Karen took responsibilty for her creation, Harold
- Read BNW Forward -2: Monday, annotate: look for connections to essential question: to what extent does a creator have responsibility towards its creation; at what point does a creation assume responsibility for itself?; questions, extensions to other pieces, annotations- I will be checking :)
- LL 2: due Friday, Satire presentation: Friday on article
Monday, March 30, 2015
Scribe 3/30/15 Period 1
Today on the first day back from spring break we had a work day.
- First we finished watching Stranger than Fiction since we had 15 min. left of it that we didn't finish on Friday before break.
- After we had the rest of class to work on our summary response that will be due Wed. April 1st. or our Last Lecture part 2 that is due on Friday April 3rd.
For the Summary Response:
- One paragraph is the summary, one paragraph is the response
- 1 1/2 pages double spaced
- In the summary paragraph explain what happened in the movie (summarize)
- In the response paragraph TAKE A POSITION AND STATE WHY
For the Last Lecture part 2:
- This part is about your lasting legacy at Arapahoe High School
- Include your theme in part 2 you wrote on the top of your first last lecture
Also... We got copies of Brave New World so be sure to get a copy if you didn't next class!
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Scribe for Monday March 9th
In class we had a whole period to work on our Dr.Phil/Frankenstein performances. Presentations will be on Friday so come to class rehearsed and ready to perform.
- Make sure to print out a copy of the script to turn into Mrs. Smith and copies for all your group members to read from, you will not be required to memorize the script
- Follow the blue handout on the format for the script
- Some groups began practicing stage directions, don't neglect this. There will also be more time to work on wed.
- It is VERY important we create amazing presentations because if we impress Mrs. Smith we will watch a movie instead of doing a science paper
For Wed: Have a plan on what your group will be working on this is the last day in class work time will be available. Also, Class starts at 12:00 because of PARC. Class will be shortened (we have 42 min).
And don't forget about your LL2 those are due in April!
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Scribe March 4, 2015
Ben Newell
- LL appointment due tomorrow
- Parent teacher conference letter, placed in a shared folder with Mrs. Smith
- Groups of three for Frankenstein Dr. Phil project.
Frankenstein Dr. Phil project:
-If the projects are very good, instead of doing the very long science essay the class will watch the movie Stranger Than Fiction.
-Projects should be more in depth than the example clips show.
-Commercials are preferred to be creative.
-Make sure the script comes to a resolution of some sort, no storming out.
Homework: Work on script, presentation next Friday.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Scribe March 2, 2015
Ben Newell
- Set up appointment to go over LL1, By thursday.
- Check grades for parent teacher conferences
- Fishbowl Frankenstein ending.
- Intro to Dr. Phil Frankenstein project.
- Some PARCC info
Fishbowl ideas:
Can the monster be good?
- He tried, but humanity rejected him.
-The monster taunts Victor in the final chase.
-Monster just wants a bro.
-Victor is a coward.(runs from initial creature and bails on the female creature)
Can the creature be a victim even if he kills?
- Most of his motivation comes from his abandonment, so even though his killings aren’t fully justified, the monster is not totally to blame.
- Victim of abandonment, but enjoys killing so he is not a good being.
Dr. Phil Project:
-Must have a Dr. Phil, Frankenstein and Monster.
-No storming out in act, must be constructive.
-Present on either Wednesday or Friday of next week depending on PARCC schedule.
Examples of Dr. Phil:
Homework: Work on Dr. Phil Script.
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