Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Short day + donut day = probably the best day ever! 

Today we are doing the fishbowl on act 2
Some questions to think about
-What does Shakespeare think about fathers in general? Look at the father child relationships throughout the book, ex. Polonius protecting his image by checking in with Laertes to make sure he's staying out of trouble. 
-Who can Hamlet trust/ rely on? Or is he currently on his own?
-What about the theater troupe does Hamlet find so interesting? Why is it significant? 
-What gave Hamlet the idea to test Claudius though the acting troupe? Are there any flaws in his plan?
-If Claudius is found not guilty, what problems would Hamlet face? (Keep in mind that he has convinced people that he's crazy, etc.)

Monday, October 27, 2014

Scribe October 27- Sabrina Herzog

HW: review notes on act 2, fishbowl group prepare for Wednesday : syllabus (shared) and critical review (printed)

We began the morning by finishing act 2. We then discussed Hamlet’s monologue: Hamlet is astonished that the First Player can show so much emotion during a scene when he himself cannot show emotion about his situation. Hamlet then calls himself dull spirited and a coward for his inaction. It is here he devises his plan to have the players perform a play similar to his father’s murder to see if Claudius will admit his guilt. Also note, Hamlet says “The spirit that I have seen may be a devil and the devil hath power t’ assume a pleasing shape” showing Hamlet understands he cannot trust the Ghost alone, and needs more proof before getting revenge on Claudius.
We took the quiz on act 2 in groups
Things to remember:
  1. Polonius’ relationship with Laertes
  2. Polonius’ assumptions re: Hamlet and Ophelia
  3. Cause of Hamlet’s madness
  4. Voltemand’s message from Norway
  5. Claudius and Polonius’ plan
  6. Roles of R and G
  7. Hamlet’s suspicions of his friends
  8. Acting troupe v. child actors
  9. Player’s speech
  10. Hamlet man of action or inaction
  11. Hamlet’s plan
  12. Dissect Hamlet’s monologue

After the quiz we watched movie clips

    • Gibson: scene 10: 35 and again at 53
      • watch for Ophelia- She seems startled, but not afraid of Hamlet’s disheveled, crazy state, she smiles at him a lot (weirdo)
      • friendships with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern- Hamlet is insistent they tell him that they were sent and why, they make jokes to avoid answering but Hamlet answers for them
    • Branagh: scenes 16, 17, and 20
      • watch Ophelia, Polonius- Ophelia enters terrified and tells her father of Hamlet’s visit, Polonius acts fatherly for the first time and apologizes to his daughter for not paying more attention to the situation

Monday October, 27

If you were absent make sure to come!
Review these topics prior:
      • Polonius’ relationship with his son, Laertes?
      • Polonius’ assumptions re: Hamlet and Ophelia?
      • Cause of Hamlet’s madness
      • Voltemand’s message from Norway
      • Claudius and Polonius’ plan
      • Roles of R and G?
      • Hamlet’s suspicions of his friends?
      • Acting troupe v. child actors
      • Player’s speech
      • Hamlet: man of action or inaction?
      • Hamlet’s plan
      • Dissect Hamlet’s monologue

  • Watch act 2
    • Gibson: scene 10: 35 and again at 53
      • watch for Ophelia
      • friendships with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
    • Branagh: scenes 16, 17, and 20
      • watch Ophelia, Polonius, Claudius
  • HW: review notes on act 2, fishbowl group prepare for Wednesday : syllabus and critical review

Friday, October 24, 2014

Scribe October 24, 2014-Tyler Randolph


We started the class with a discussion over act 2.1 and  Hamlet and Ophelia's meet in her sewing room. The key idea from this encounter is that hamlet is starting to be viewed by the people as a crazy, desperate person. This is not helping his credibility as a future ruler. We then finished scene 2.2. Other key points is that Old Fortingbras discovered young Fortingbras' plan to attack Denmark.  Young Fortingbras then got in trouble and was made to swear not to attack Denmark ever. Then he requests that Norwegian troops can pass through Denmark.
We have a quiz on MONDAY over all of Act 2.
Break down essential monolougues for their meanings and connections.

H.W- Study act 2, and Act 2 Fishbowl on Wednesday.

English Scribe

7:21-7:34  -> reviewed hamlet Act 2 scene 1
  • Talked about Polonius and his task for Ronaldo to ask Hamlet questions about his drinking, swearing, and womanizing.
  • Talked about Hamlet and Ophelia and their “love crazed” meeting→ Polonius says he is going to see the king
Questions to remember for the quiz:
  1. Polonius’ relationship with his son, Laertes?
  2. Polonius’ assumptions re: Hamlet and Ophelia?
  3. Cause of Hamlet’s madness?
  4. Voltemand’s message from Norway?
  5. Claudius and Polonius’ plan?
  6. Roles of R and G?
  7. Hamlet’s suspicions of his friends?
  8. Acting troupe v. child actors?
  9. Player’s speech?
  10. Hamlet man of action or inaction?
  11. Hamlet’s plan?
  12. Dissect Hamlet’s monologue?
7:35-7:38  went over questions above
7:38-8:20→ read act 2 scene 2

  • talked about why Hamlet was mad→ mother knew(his father died and they[claudius] got married to quickly)
  • talked about Polonius and the Queen’s conversation on Hamlet’s letter to Ophelia
  • talked about the “plan” (get Hamlet and Ophelia in a room and watch them)--> want to see if Polonius’ plan is right.
  • talked about how Hamlet insulted Polonius→ he knows about how he told Ophelia not to be with him(Hamlet)
    • HW: Act 2. 1-2, fishbowl group prepare for Wednesday, quiz on Monday

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October 22, 2014

Ms. Smith is gone ): but on the brightside, it’s donut day!!!!!!!!!!!
Shoutout to Adam for bringing Krispy Kreme!
Mr. Rosenberg is the sub so if you're not here, your loss.
We are watching the part where Hamlet meets with the ghost of his father (in all 3 versions of the movie), I would tell you more about the movies but honestly they are just really creepy, and have bad acting, (sorry I would not call myself a fan of Shakespeare)...

The first version was really fast paced at the beginning and sort of hard to follow.
The second version was way simpler so that was nice, I definitely like that one better than the first.
The third version (the Mel Gibson one) was my favorite though, it was easy to follow and the acting wasn’t
as bad as the others, I understood this version the best.
Then we continued on to read Act 2, Scene 1 in class, so catch yourself up if you were gone! Polonius: Kenyon
Reynaldo: Marco
Ophelia: Justine (who wasn’t here, so Brandon read for her, in a really bad, girly accent...) :0

Homework: Read modern translation of Act 2. Fishbowl on act 2 next week: To the group presenting, start your question list. 

-Kendra G.

Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20, 2014

Monday: Oct. 20

Hmwrk: Read Hamlet Act 2 scene 1-2, get modern translation
Join Google classroom
  -Check email for invitation
  -If none go to site and sign in and use code: bjkudzj

  • Fishbowl Act 1
Discussions topics:
-Will Hamlet go through with killing his uncle, Claudius?
-How mentally stable is Hamlet at this point?
-Is the ghost a figment of their imaginations? and Hamlet is hearing what he wants to hear?
-What are the different father/ son relationships shown so far? How are they important?
-What is the role of women so far? How does Shakespeare portray them?

On Wed:

  • Hamlet
    • Watch ghost scenes
      • Branaugh 11
      • Olivier 8
      • Gibson 7-8

Scribe 10-20

First Mrs. Smith introduced the new google classrooms website
Steps for the website:
  1. Go to:
  2. Login with your email.
  3. Press add a class with the code: bkjudzj.

Next we fish-bowled.
  • How is Hamlet’s relationship with his mother different than with Claudius?
  • Why did the ghost of King Hamlet refuse to talk to anyone besides young Hamlet?
  • What do you think Hamlet’ relationship with his father was like before he died?
  • What does the ghosts armor say about the state of denmark?
  • Why does Horatio talk about Julius Caesar and his death after the ghost appears?
  • Why does Gertrude decide to marry so soon after King Hamlet’s death?
  • Why is Hamlet willing to follow the ghost when his friends try hard to hold him back?
  • What is the significance of Horatio and Marcellus swearing to Hamlet’s sword instead of a traditional vow to God?
  • Does Gertrude really care for Hamlet, or does he just want him to stop being sad in front of the court?
  • Why does Polonius have so many odd requests for Laertes right before he leaves?
  • Why is Ophelia more reluctant to talk about Hamlet with her father than with Laertes?
  • How do you think Hamlet will avenge his father?
  • What role has religion played so far? For hamlet? For the marriage of Claudius and Gertrude?
Some main points:

  • Hamlet probably had a good relationship with his father, although his father’s request for him to kill Claudius is interesting.
  • Hamlet would have been next in line, so Claudius taking the throne should not have happened.
  • Gertrude could have been trying to keep power for herself by marrying Claudius instead of losing power to Hamlet.
  • Discussed Shakespeare and what he could be saying about women: lust for power and conniving ways.
  • Hamlet’s religion could get in the way of his revenge against Claudius.
  • Hamlet had his friends swear by his sword because it is a more important vow, and his reputation is on the line.

-Ben Newell

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Scribe 10-15

October 15, 2014

Today was a very short class due to the PSAT. Since the classes were only 28 minutes long we just watched the end of act 1 for the 3 different movie interpretations of Hamlet. We only got through the Olivier and Gibson clips. The Olivier clip made the ghost very hidden and spooky while the Gibson clip made the ghost seem more like a real person standing before them. Although, both had pretty similar dialogue and mood.

Fishbowl Group 1 needs to be 100% ready to present on Monday. Don't forget to share the syllabus with Smith and have the critical review completed and printed out.

Friday, October 17, 2014



OCT. 15th :)
Smith comes to the class looking swagged out and says,” Hello Class!”
Everyone come to class on Monday for there is a huge fish bowl !!! (Or have your parents call you out ;) JK...)

We then proceed to take the ACT 1 test :(

JK its not multiple choice and so far is pretty hard.  :(
AND SMITH CONTINUES TO PLAY BORING MUSIC :(..... jk but I’m getting sleepy

This class was so short !!! BUT FUN

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

10/13/2014 Scribe Mrs. Smith Period 1 Christian D.

In Class:
We began class by writing a parent teacher conference letters.
We finished reading all of Act 1. Once we finished reading we were asked if Hamlet is a man of action or inaction; man of compassion or revenge.
She postponed the ghost scenes until Wednesday.
We reviewed for the Act 1 quiz and then we got into small groups of 4 and took the quiz.

Hw: The people doing the fish bowl for Act 1 needs to be prepared by monday. You need to have your syllabus shared with Mrs. Smith and your critical review printed out for class.

Friday, October 10, 2014

10-10-14 4th Pd.

Oct 10th, 2014

10:37 AM | Angelo left class to get hamlet books for students that did not receive a copy.
10:38 AM | We began assigning roles to read.
Reading Roles:
Act 1.1
Act 1.2
Claudius (King)- Brandon
Queen- Juliet
Act 1.3
Act 1.4
Act 1.5
10:40 AM | Brandon’s scribing is insulted by smith.
10:43 AM | We began reading.
10:47 AM | Smith describes that the ghost of the king is appearing with what? His armour, why is this important? Something to think about: The kind is in his armour because things are not right in Denmark, he is still at war. The current aire is wrong.
10:49 AM | Chart on board is explained.
10:53 AM | Marco starts the reading again.
10:53 AM | Brandon checks incoming message he receives.
10:53 AM | Tyler does not appreciate that the ghost has parts.
10:53 AM | Smith explains what the ghost is supposed to do.
10:53 AM | Tyler fails again to be a good ghost. ( Can’t win them all folks)
10:53 AM | Smith addresses setting. Its Christmas in Denmark.
10:54 AM | Reading Act 1.2
11:14 AM | Paul reads Hamlet's monologue
11:14 AM | Smith discusses why Hamlet is upset and suicidal. ( He is upset that his mother remarried in such a hurry.)
11:19 AM | Women need to move from man to man. Women are fragile when not in the hands of a manly figure.
11:21 AM | We begin reading again.
11:29 AM | Smith describes ghosts only come back for bad reasons not good reasons.
11:30 AM | The truth will be revealed.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday October 6th

Monday October 6th
Scribe- Brandy Flores
New Seating Chart
Collect Pi essay and outline
Check in Pi books
Hamlet introduction
explain fishbowl
  1. Present (80 points)
    • syllabus -> generate list of ?’s
    • critical review
    • keep discussion moving
    • facilitate discussion
  2. Discussers (80 points)
Reading comprehension (20-30 points per Act)
  • 5 quizzes
Reading Theater (100 points)
fishbowl signups
one presentation (sign up in groups)
everyone discusses
Discuss tragic hero
Aristotle once said that “A man doesn't become a hero until he can see the root of his own downfall.” An Aristotelian tragic hero must have four characteristics
  1. Nobility (of a noble birth) or wisdom (by virtue of death)
  2. Hamartia (translated as flaw, mistake, or error, not an Elizabethan tragic flaw)
  3. They are faced with a choice. The tragedy is that they make the wrong one
  4. A reversal of fortune(peripetia) brought about because of the hero's Hamartia.
  5. The discovery or recognition that the reversal was brought about by the hero's own actions (anagnorisis).
  6. They make incredibly stupid mistakes that also lead to their death.
Discuss heroes journey
Stage One: Innocence
  • Is one with world
  • Believes he/ she is center of universe
  • Feels no separation or division from others
  • Suffers and/ or experiences evil minimally
  • Has no experience with death and does not understand it
  • Is happy
Stage Two:  Initiation- In this stage, innocence is lost in a variety of ways
  1. Death
  • Most common way innocence lost.
  • Character realizes others can die and so can he/ she.
  • No longer center of the universe; not even consequential.
  1.  Awareness of evil:  
  • Success of evil makes character realize world no longer just and evil not always punished.
  • “What good comes from good behavior” he/ she  wonders.
  1. Intimate awakening:  
  • Intimacy given, but later revoked by a person
  • who had provided comfort.
  • Sexuality creates desire that creates frustration in character
  • Rejection makes him/ her wary and diminishes self-confidence
Stage Three:  Chaos
  • Character feels denial or nostalgia for lost innocence.  
  • He/ she either retreats back to innocence  OR
  • Character gains wisdom of nature of good v. evil with which to confront future.
  • Challenge of character’s life Move beyond
  • initiatory experience and despite a belief that future only holds more suffering.

Essential Questions:
Who are we? Men of action or inaction?
Revenge or compassion?
Oedipal Complex
“All men want to kill their fathers and marry their mothers.”
Watch opening scenes
Hamlet character map

Read modern translation of Hamlet Act 1